Monday, September 29, 2008

grandpa Harris

In my last post i told u about my grandpa. Well after i wrote that post on Sept 27th my grandpa passed away. We all knew it was coming but we did think it would be that soon. We all thought we had 2 months with him. We are all holding up as well as we can. We are mainly focusing on Grandma. I will be staying with her for a while when everthing is finished. He had acute lukemia. The doctor said that it was the lukemia that no one survives. Dad was gonna bring him hom today, but as the top says it didnt happen. Only 10% of his blood cells in his lungs were healthy. The other 90% was cancer.

P.S. Grandma i love u.


Our Corner said...

We were really sorry to hear about your grandpa It isnt easy losing a loved one. Hope all is well for you and your family.

Katie said...

I'm so sorry to hear that. My prayers are with your family.

sloan larsen said...

Your grandma is lucky shes got you. Sorry for your loss. I miss you.

sloan larsen said...

Sorry for your loss. Your grandma is lucky shes got you. I miss you and your family.